Woman wearing silent disco headphones in a Warrior Flow class

Sound Off™ Stories: Safe Community with Warrior Flow

Adrian Molina, founder of Warrior Flow, has been organizing Sound Off® events in Miami for more than three years. Using Sound Off headphones to comply with noise ordinances and outdoor ambient noise, he regularly hosts events on beaches and open-air venues like 1111 Lincoln Road.

“We can use the technology from Sound Off to provide events where we can keep participants about ten to twelve feet apart,” Molina says. “It’s been a blessing with so many things happening…that we can still keep the feeling of community.”

As Molina points out in our Sound Off Stories video, the practices of meditation and movement bring people together. Throughout 2021, we hope to continue just that at Sound Off, promoting safe community for everyone.

Sound Off Stories x Warrior Flow from Sound Off on Vimeo.